Contact Information
We would be glad to answer
your questions about English Springer Spaniels -- our breeding program,
care, training, or exercise. Thank you for visiting our site. You
may email us at BrendaelSpringers@sbcglobal.net
Our Beginning
purchased my first English Springer Spaniel in 1978, when I graduated
from college. Since I wanted to show in obedience, I needed a purebred
AKC registered dog. I did not want a small dog but the dog could
not be too big for an apartment. After researching different breeds,
I decided on an English Springer Spaniel. They met my criteria for
a dog and springers were supposed to be intelligent enough to do
the obedience work I wanted to do. So I poured over the newspapers
from the surrounding towns. After several months of looking, I found
my puppy. He was a cross |
between the field and bench style ESS. I learned a lot from him.
He put up with my novice grooming mistakes, fumbling conformation
classes, "old style" obedience training, and marathon
tracking sessions. He was my constant companion and apartment sitter.
He went on to finish his CD in 1980 with placements in the Novice
A class. I entered him in a few tracking tests, but we were unable
to complete his title due to health issues. Unfortunately, by the
time he was six, his severe hip dysplasia led to aggression issues
that I could no longer manage.
Before Nicky's problems
became severe I was been bitten by the "dog show bug."
By this time I had learned the correct way to look for a puppy --
to go to a reputable breeder, what questions to ask of this breeder, and what health problems could occur. I spent months going through old issues of the Springer Review
and the AKC Gazette show results. I decided to get a puppy from
Bonnie Bosley of Bordalyn Springers. Her dogs were
winning in the show ring and were also able to compete in obedience. I had to wait for what seemed like forever as it was over
a year before she had a puppy for me. But it was worth the wait.
July 3, 1983, Charlie (Ch Bordalyn's Beloved) whelped a litter of
eight puppies. I could hardly wait to fly out east to pick up my
special puppy. My wait was finally over. Brenna was 10 weeks old
when she came home with me. Brenna was registered as Bordalyn's
White Shoulders after the perfume and for the large white collar
she sported. Brenna's litter brother Bandit, Ch Belvoir Caveat of
Bordalyn, went to Cindy Wheeler of Mystic and is behind many of
the Mystic dogs.
In 1986, Brenna was bred to Ch
Sycamore's A Team, producing seven puppies. Out of this litter I
kept one girl, Tegan, Ch Brendael's Midnyht |
Special CD CGC. A second girl, Morgan, Brendael's Glowing Moment, went to Rob
Satoloe of Birchwood to become one of their foundation bitches.
Brenna went on to finish her championship, compete in obedience
and tracking, and to whelp a second litter of puppies. She was one
of the first dogs at our training facility to complete the AKC's
Canine Good Citizenship test at nearly eleven years of age. My kennel
is named after her. Bren for Brenna and dael - the Old English spelling
of dale = Brendael.
Since Brenna arrived, I have
had a few litters of puppies as well as training, competing, and
titling dogs in conformation, obedience, tracking, and agility.
I am an active member of the local obedience club, having served as secretary
and trial secretary for many years. I also belong to the English
Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association and I am listed as a breeder
referral for Indiana.
At Brendael, our goal
is to breed dogs that are sound in body, mind, and spirit. We strive
to have our dogs not only meet the breed standard but to have the
health, temperament, intelligence, and ability to be family companions,
and also participate in a variety of companion events. Any dog
bred is OFA hip and elbow certified, CERF clear, seizure free, and has normal thyroid
Enjoy exploring our dogs
and their accomplishments throughout the pages on the web site.
Past and current dogs have their own pages, just click on the link. In the future we intend to add photos, where we have
them, of the dogs' ancestors linked from their pedigree.
Susan Armstrong |
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(c) 2006-2013 by Susan Armstrong.
No contents or photos on this web site may be copied or reproduced in any manner.