Brendael English Springer Spaniels

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U-GRACH Am CH Hillcrest Namtn Kocrk Canvas VCD1 RA AX AXJ JH CGC (TDI)

(U-Ag2 U-CDX A/U CH Hillcrest Just Hale N Hardy VCD1 CDX RE SH OA NAJ WDX
x Langdon's Hillcrest Daisy)

"Hardy" x "Daisy"

black/white male born August 4, 1999



Canvas belongs to Henriette Schmidt and Lloyd and Kathi Simonson. We had asked Kathi to write a few words about Canvas so people would know what he was like. This is what she has to say about him:

Canvas is not one of those big guys whose beauty is only skin deep! As is shown by his many agility titles, he is an accomplished agility dog who is usually all-work while running the course, although he does have a fun streak in him that emerges as he occasionally runs his own courses, broad jumping the tunnel and sailing over the shoot! And although he is a champion tracker, his ability to air-scent has at times sent him off across the field in a short-cut to find the glove, rather than following the laid track. He is a schmoozer to the nth degree during his trips to the nursing homes as a Therapy Dog, where he accepts pets and hugs with no limit. He is advancing in his Rally and Obedience training, as well as his Field training, loving to do anything that is asked of him. But as accomplished as he is, his best attribute is as a loving family member, gentle and adored by both his human and canine friends, and a true example of what a Springer Spaniel should be.


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Copyright 2006-2013 Susan Armstrong - All rights reserved

Updated July 2013